Monday, August 06, 2012

Las Vegas

For Memorial Day weekend Jonathan actually had a few days off so we decided - very last minute - to go to Las Vegas for a little vacation. We brought a couple of our nieces with us for babysitting fun! I wasn't that great at taking pictures, so here are the only photos from the trip when we went to the Hoover Dam and looked out over the new bridge.

Junior was very content in his stroller. But he loved getting out and looking over at the dam. I was a little worried, but had to tell myself he wouldn't fall over the edge.

Our pretty nieces, Mallory and Kierynn.
Junior and Mommy, what a face!

A happy family.

We decided that traveling with a baby is a really different from traveling as a couple, but we survived! Maybe we will plan ahead a little more next time so we can do more.


1 comment:

Becky and Ben said...

Yes, the traveling is different (and more stressful), but it is fun in a different way. I'm glad you guys are still getting out! Fun times!