Thursday, September 11, 2014

It's A ...

This post is way overdue, but I thought I would let everyone know that Jonathan and I are having a...

In case you can't see it, we're having another boy! Jonathan is excited because he's getting what he wanted. I'm happy too, we're not done having kids so hopefully a girl is in our future. But for now at least we'll save money on clothes, bedding, etc. And the two boys can easily share the only other bedroom in our tiny house.

I'm almost 30 weeks now, November 22nd is fast approaching and I've got my list of things to do. We'll see if I can get to all of them.

Here are more ultrasound pictures if you're interested.


Friday, May 23, 2014

One Year

After a year since I last posted on this blog, I decided to finally post something. And it's going to be good, here's a start:

In case the message isn't clear enough, in November of this year Junior's status as an 'Only Child' will be expiring, as in he will have a little brother or sister!

That's right, I'm pregnant with child number 2 and we're very excited. I'm just starting to get over the sickness and fatigue of the first trimester, so things are looking up - those first 13 weeks are no fun. Baby is due around November 22nd, so I'm hoping I won't end up in the hospital on Thanksgiving Day. But now that I said it, that's probably what will happen.

I can't guarantee more regular posting on this blog, but I do have a ton of photos I'd like to share of our nearly 3 year old! He's grown so much and we have so much fun with him as he provides never-ending entertainment for us.
