We went to my family reunion and our dogs loved it. Tito especially liked licking the face of my cousin's daughter, Briety. It was fun, but driving 6 hours for one day didn't quite seem worth it in the end, especially after we got a flat tire.
A few weeks ago Jonathan and I hiked The Grotto in Payson Canyon. It's not really a hike, more like a nature walk. It was fun because it was the first time we took our dogs anywhere other than the vet.
Tito is our boxer, named after the Ultimate Fighter Tito Ortiz. Kookie is our dachshund, named Kookie because she is SO sweet. We love them, they give us good training for when we have kids so we get used to words and phrases such as: potty training, "don't eat that," teething, feeding schedule, "time for bed," etc. I have never had a dog, but this has been a great experience and I can't imagine not having our dogs.
This is my first post. Just wanted you to see who we are. This picture is from our wedding day, May 28, 2005. It's not the best picture because I had to scan it, but it's the best I have right now.