Friday, January 25, 2008

Artists on my MP3

  • Dashboard Confessional
  • Better Than Ezra
  • Ziggy Marley
  • Gwen Stefani
  • Otis Redding
  • The Beatles
  • No Doubt
  • Ingrid Michaelson
  • Paul Simon
  • UB40
  • Natasha Beddingfield
  • Sean Kingston
  • The Flamingos
  • Travis
  • Sia

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


So I've been feeling pretty good lately. I've been working out regularly for one week and I'm not hating it. I have even woken up EARLY to work out! And I'm talking 5:10 AM, early. Amazin' huh? I'm impressed with myself.

In other news, Jonathan started his job today and I miss him. I can't wait until spring when we will have the same schedule (mostly).

And I've been working really hard for the last, say, two weeks and it feels good and is exhausting at the same time.

I really feel like somewhat of a new person. Let's see how long it lasts ;)


Monday, January 21, 2008

Goodbye Puppies

So we said goodbye to Kookie's second litter of puppies this last week. They were so cute and I do miss them, although I don't miss cleaning up after three little puppies.

This is a video of the three pups when they were first learning how to run and play. They loved "fighting" with each other and their big brother Kimo. Enjoy!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Something New

I thought that I would start something new here. Every so often I will write a little something about my life to date. This is mainly an attempt to begin writing my personal history, and what better way to do it than here on my blog?

I was born in 1980 to my parents, Russ & Connie. I was the youngest of five children and I'm told I was quite spoiled. I don't remember very much of our life until we settled here in Utah when I was five. But I do know some stories about when I was little, like how my older brothers used to put lemon juice or Arbys' "horsey sauce" in my milk - they loved me so much. And I'm told that when the other kids were out playing in the backyard that I would stand at the back door, where I could barely peek out the window, and yell, "guys, hey guys!" I know my brothers and sisters always loved me because, even now, I don't have any memories of them being mean or resentful toward me. And I love them all too!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New Year and stuff

Wow, I hadn't realized how long it's been since my last post (not that anyone else has noticed). But I guess I should say something about the holidays - they were great and now they're over (sad).

Here are some new things for 2008 (I don't want to call them resolutions because I haven't really resolved to do them).

  • I will be working one Friday a month in this new year of 2008 and not because I choose to (sucks)
  • I will try to exercise more. I haven't been exercising at all so I figure I'll shoot for once a month at least
  • I will try to eat better (i.e. cook more)
  • I will try to study the scriptures instead of just read them
  • I will try my best to get pregnant (that should make Jonathan happy)
  • I will finish at least one quilt
  • I will spend less time watching tv
  • I will plant a vegetable garden
  • I will take more photos
  • I will get sealed to my wonderful husband in the temple

I can't think of anything else. Hope your new year was happy and your resolutions are resolute.